March 13, 2025



You can read the full story here.

He voiced Baboo, Pudgy Pig, Mongo, Grumble Bee and Lizzinator on Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; Baboo, Midas Monster, Horsehead, Googleheimer, and Video Vulture on Power Rangers Zeo; Quincy Modo, Charterville Charlie, Borgslayer, and Shellator on Big Bad Beelteborgs; Merlock Holmes and Coconaut in Flint: The Time Detective; Termitis and Praying Mantis on Power Rangers in Space; Numemon, Chuumon, Angemon, Kokatorimon, Gekomon, Nanimon, narrator, MagnaAngemon, Upamon, Pegususmon, Sakkoumon, Tsubumon, Vilemon, Allomon, Chief Cabinet Secretary, Hypnos System, Grani, Goblimon, ToyAugmon, Piddomon, SkullSatamon, Pagumon and various voices in Digimon: Digital Monsters; Gasser and Magnetox on Power Rangers Lost Galaxy; Trifire on Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue; Commandocon and Black Knight on Power Rangers Time Force; Daemona’s dad and various roles in Phantom Investigators; and Vacuum Cleaner Org, Helicos, Narrator and Announcer on Power Rangers Wild Force. He also provided voices for The Adventures of Raggedy Ann & Andy.

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