Remember that one day when you could wake up without an alarm? When you would get your favorite bowl of cereal and sit between the hours of 8 and 12? This is a blog dedicated to the greatest time of our childhood: Saturday mornings. The television programs you watched, the memories attached to them, and maybe introducing you to something you didn't realize existed. Updated every weekend.
Insana was an actor, writer and producer. He starred as Dr. Reginald Bushroot in Darkwing Duck, Uncle Ted in Bobby’s World, Uncle JoJo and Earl in Pepper Ann and Pig in Back at the Barnyard. He guest-starred as
Colonel Carter in an episode of Goof
Troop; Baracuda in an episode of The
Little Mermaid; Prince Uncouthma in Aladdin;
Fat Cat in an episode of Jungle Cubs;
andSamsa in an episode of Buzz Lightyear of Star Command. He also
provided a voice for an episode of Teacher’s
Comicbook month ended up a bit of a bust, and I apologize for that. Unfortunately, an odd work schedule coupled with several hospital-related things (nothing major, no worries) kinda derailed the plan. I'm hoping to get caught up and kick the next month off without a hitch, so be sure to check back and thanks for your patience.
Cybersix was a series of
Argentine comics created by Carlos Meglia and Carlos Trillo. The comic first
appeared in 1992 as part of the Italian version of the magazine Skorpioafter the publisher came to them to produce a
new strip for the book. It was
published as a weekly series of 12-page stories beginning with Anno
XVI #22, later collected into special
editions. In 1994, it was spun off into its own 96-page comic that ran for 45
issues until it was cancelled in 1999. The whole series was published by Eura
Editoriale, and was subsequently translated into Spanish and released in Argentina
by El
Globo Editor and Spain by Planeta DeAgostini, and a French translation
done by Editions
Vents d’Ouest.
Cybersix vs. Von Reichter's creations.
series centered on the title character, Cybersix (or Cyber-6, Cathy Weseluck),
who was a genetically engineered human created by former Nazi scientist, Dr.
Von Reichter (Terry Klassen, also one of the show’s writers). The Cyber series
looked like ordinary humans, but possessed superhuman strength and agility.
However, when the Cyber series proved too resistant to his commands, he ordered
the entire line of 5000 to be destroyed. Only Six was spared, saved by one of
the African slaves Von Reichter kept. They lived as father and daughter until
Von Reichter had them hunted down and he was killed. Six made her way to Meridana
where she took the place of a young boy, Adrian Seidleman, that recently died
in a car wreck with the rest of his family. An earlier version of the concept
had Six disguising herself as a man to become a police officer after her father
had been killed.
Von Reichter and his Fixed Ideas.
Reichter, however, had not been idle. From his lab in the Amazon he worked on
his other creations: the Fixed Ideas, which resembled large Frankenstein’s
monster-like beings and performed his grunt work; the Data series, which
resembled animals; the Techno series, the more human-like and more loyal
upgrade to the Cyber series; and the Type series, which were a further
advancement over the Technos. At night, Cybersix would hunt down these
creations in the city not only to disrupt Von Reicther’s dreams of world
conquest, but to vampirically drain them of the life-giving fluid called
“Sustenance” she needed to survive. By day, she would continue to live as
Adrian, now a high school literature teacher and friend to science teacher
Lucas Amato (Michael Dobson), with whom a mutual infatuation developed.
Cybersix confronts Von Reicther amongst his creations.
Two things influenced the creation of Cybersix. One was the case
of Mario and Elsa Rios; a wealthy couple who had some of Elsa’s
embryo’s frozen (which was a new innovation at the time) before both died in a
plane crash in 1983. The heirs to their estate wanted those embryos destroyed
so as to eliminate any chance that they could claim part of it, which inspired
Trillo to wonder what would have happened if the embryos instead fell into the
hands of a scientist who sought to create life.
Cybersix facing her Adrian persona.
other inspiration came from Portuguese writer Fernando
Pessoa, who had created seventy-five distinct names that he
wrote under. That led to the theme of duality that ran throughout the Cybersix series as many of the
characters had a completely different side to them. In Six’s case, it was her
time as male literature teacher Adrian. For Lucas, not only was he a science
teacher, but also a journalist.
The comic became popular enough to attract the attention of television
producers. In Argentina, the comic was adapted into a live-action television
series in 1995. Produced by Patagonik TV Group and Television
Federal, the show starred model Carolina Pelleritti in the title role.
Unfortunately, the series was poorly received and was quickly cancelled after
only eight episodes. Shortly after the cancellation, a friend of Meglia’s, Alejandro
Dolina, told him of a Canadian producer looking for a cartoon project. The
pair sent off several scripts and a sample pilot Dolina crafted on his
computer. A deal was struck and the show was taken on by Network
of Animation (NOA) Productions.
Jose, a Hitler in the making.
new pilot was created by TMS
Entertainment in order to shop the series to networks.
The show was picked up by Teletoon
in Canada and the full series was put into production. TMS stayed on as the
primary animation facility and reincorporated parts of their pilot into the
show’s intro and scenes within the episodes. Teiichi Takiguchi
served as the character designer and kept the look of the show close to
Meglia’s art style; from Six’s white-less eyes to the rectangular patches
representing hair. However, he did simplify their appearances a bit to make
them easier to animate.
A vial of Sustenance.
While the show largely followed the main plotline of the comics, some
changes had to be made for consumption by western audiences. The level of
violence was considerably toned down. Meglia worked with the producers for
several days to come up with an alternative for Six’s vampiric feeding on
Sustenance and came up with the idea that Von Reichter’s creations carried
around vials of the stuff on their person and dissipated after Cybersix
defeated them. Von Reichter’s Nazi affiliation was kept ambiguous, although it
manifested itself in the clothing and movements of his son and right-hand man,
Jose (Alex Dodusk). Jose’s origin was changed from being an age-retarded clone
of Von Reichter, and the sexual libido Von Reicther gave him to keep him too
distracted from revolting against him was removed. Lori (Janyse Jaud), the
student in Adrian’s class that was infatuated with him, was changed from a
highly promiscuous thug to be a smarter, computer-literate thug. Lucas was no
longer a journalist, and his obsession with learning about Cybersix was curbed
to make him appear as less of a crackpot conspiracy theorist. The show also
left more open for the audience to interpret, whereas the comic explained
everything including Cybersix’s outfit coming from one of Von Reichter’s
creations posing as a prostitute.
Cybersix and Data-7.
Cybersix debuted on Teletoon
on September 6, 1999. While casting the show, the producers were uncertain
whether to cast a male actor for the Adrian role or not. After Cathy Weseluck
auditioned for Six, Julian and Jose, they decided she could pull off both and
cast her in the lead role. Producer Koji Takeuchi served as one of the
series’ writers, along with Judy Valyi, Barry
Whittaker, Andrew D. Hammell, Jono
Howard, Catherine Girczyc and Michael
Van Lane. The series’ beginning and ending themes were composed by series
composer Robbi Finkel with lyrics by
Robert Olivier and vocals provided by jazz singer Coral Egan who sang it in the first
person. Finkel was hired by the producers after hearing his composition for a
showing of Cirque du Soleil.
A second season of 13 episodes was planned, but production ended after
the first season when there were internal disagreements between the production
companies. The show was translated into several languages and broadcast around
the world, eventually finding its way to the United States on Fox
Kids. Debuting on August 19, 2000, the show was even further toned down by
the network; particularly the intro, which was cut in half in order to remove
most of the instances of violence depicted. Even so, it drew
controversy over its content and characters due to its being shown so early in the
morning between two far more kid-friendly programs: Power Rangers: Lightspeed Rescueand Digimon: Digital Monsters. This mature tonality was the particular reason
producer Herve Bedard wanted to make the
show, because he believed that young adults would be the new niche audience to
target with animation. Unfortunately, said target audience wasn’t as likely to
be up as early and the show was pulled from FOX’s schedule after
only 10 episodes aired.
Lucas reassures Cybersix he's never seen Dark Angel.
Cybersix the series ended on a
cliffhanger, Cybersix the comic
managed to bring its story to a conclusion before its cancellation. Cybersix had a second controversy during
2000, as Meglia and Trillo sued James Cameron
and FOX over their show Dark
claimed that the show stole most of the plot and recognizable elements from the
comic. Unfortunately, the lawsuit was never resolved as they couldn’t afford to
pursue it. The lawsuit likely led to the heavy and unpopular changes made in Dark Angel’s second season, which
ultimately led to its cancellation.
Shadow / La créature mystérieuse”
(9/6/99 CAN, 8/19/00 US) – Cybersix befriends Lucas Amato and prevents Jose and
Von Reichter’s counterfeiting scheme.
& Julian / Data 7 et Julien”
(9/12/99 CAN, 8/26/00 US) – Reichter sends Data-7 after Cybersix while she
tries to save Julian from Jose’s clutches.
/ Terra” (9/18/99 CAN, 9/2/00 US) – Reichter creates Terra to go after
Cybersix, but his development of free will forces Jose to trap both of them in
a burning tower.
Private Eye / Yashimoto, détective
privé” (9/19/99 CAN, 9/9/00 US) – Jose kidnaps the younger brother of
detective Yashimoto in order to blackmail him into hunting down Cybersix.
is Missing / Lori a disparu”
(9/25/99 CAN, 9/16/00 US) – One of Adrian’s students reveals seeing Cybersix in
his apartment and ends up kidnapped by Jose’s gang.
Birds of Horror / Les pigeons
bleus”(9/26/99 CAN, 9/23/00 US) – Jose controls a swarm of hostile birds
and has them invade the city.
/ Police contrôle” (10/2/99
CAN, 9/30/00 US) – Jose brainwashes six cops to seek out Cybersix and captures
Julian in order to lure her into a trap.
with the Wings / Gare aux
gargouilles” (10/3/99 CAN, 10/7/00 US) – Nightly battles with goblins
has Data-7 and Julian seek out their eggs in order to destroy them all at once.
Eye / Coup d'oeil sur la ville”
(10/10/99 CAN, 10/14/00 US) – Jose attempts to capture an eyeball creature that
grows in size when it drains a victim’s consciousness.
Moon Fascination / Fascination
lunaire” (10/9/99 CAN, 10/21/00 US) – A scratch Lucas receives from his
new girlfriend results in his becoming a werewolf.
Greatest Show in Meridiana / Jose
fait son cirque” (10/16/99 CAN) – Jose and his robotic animals capture
Data-7 and Cybersix and force them to perform in the circus.
Devil / Le démon de l'aube”
(10/17/99 CAN) – Reptilian woman Griselda discovers Cybersix’s identity and
battles her on a class field trip.
Final Confrontation” (10/23/99 CAN) – Reichter sends a giant living bomb to
destroy the city, but Jose wants the city for himself and diverts the bomb back
to Reichter.
For the history of Superman, check out the post here.
As the DC Comics
Universe was nearing its 50th anniversary, there were some growing
pains to contend with; namely that in that time, the established history of the
characters just didn’t mesh. How could Superman be the last son of Krypton
if there was an assortment of other Kryptonians running around? How is it that Batman
served in World War II
and yet still looks to be in his 30s? And just what were they going to do with
all those many parallel
Earths they had created as an explanation for some of the
more out-there stories from the Golden
and Silver
of comics?
A visual representation of the Crisis event.
Marv Wolfman
and Len
proposed a plan to help clean-up DC’s convoluted continuity with an event
called Crisis on Infinite Earths(named for the
annual Justice
League/Justice Society
crossovers that began with “Crisis on Earth-One”). The story followed a cosmic
being known as the Anti-Monitor
as he began destroying the parallel worlds of the DC Universe, and various
heroes and villains from the five remaining ones banded together to put a stop
to him. Ultimately, the five realities end up merged as one. Crisis on Infinite Earths ran as a
12-issue maxi-series between 1985 and 1986.
The Man of Steel #1, depicting baby Kal-El's escape from Krypton.
A few months after Crisis concluded, writer/artist John Byrne—fresh
off a split from rival Marvel
Comics—was tapped to pen the official new origin for
Superman. His six-issue mini-series, The
Man of Steel,
a rundown in the key moments of Superman’s life. The post-Crisis Superman had a specific set of largely reduced powers (no
more towing
entire planets with giant chains); Martha and Jonathan
Kent were still alive (their status changed quite often, with one or both of
them being alive or dead at different points in Superman’s life, as well as
being depicted at different ages); Lex Luthor went from being a mad scientist
to a corrupt billionaire industrialist; Superman no longer had costumed adventures as
Superboy in Smallville
and only first donned the costume when he went to Metropolis;
all other Kryptonians disappeared with Supergirl
becoming an artificial being created by Lex, amongst other changes.
Ruby-Spears' Superman.
In 1988, the year of Superman’s 50th
anniversary, Ruby-Spears
Productions acquired the rights to produce the third
solo Superman series, and his second on Saturday mornings. The series was the
first representation of the post-Crisis Superman
outside of comics and closely followed the mythology established in The Man of Steel (unlike the live-action
Superboyseriesthat debuted the same year). However, it was also heavily
influenced by the Superman
film franchise starring Christopher
Reeve as evidenced by its portrayal of a bumbling Clark
Kent to distinguish his identity from Superman (Beau Weaver), and the use of a
re-orchestrated version of John
Williams’ “Superman March”.
It also paid homage to previous incarnations through the introductory narration
from The Adventures of Superman, which wasspoken by William Woodson from the
just-concluded Super Friendsfranchise, and
Superman’s constant utterance of “Up, up and away!” whenever he took flight.
Superman, also known as Ruby-Spears’ Superman, debuted on CBS on
September 17, 1988. Each episode was broken up into two segments. The primary
segment focused on the adventures of Superman and his battles against evil. The
show utilized a variety of new villains created specifically for the show, but
did feature Lex Luthor (Michael Bell) as a recurring foe, complete with
Superman-repelling Kryptonite
ring. Lex was a cross between the ruthless businessman established by Byrne and
the eccentric portrayal of Gene
Hackman in the films.
Superman facing the Shadow Thief.
villains from the comics included the lethal joking Prankster
(Howard Morris);
a version of Shadow
Thief whose suit allowed him to blend into the shadows; Kryptonian
war criminal General Zod (René
Auberjonois) who was assisted by his wife/lover
(depending on the story) Faora, and Ursa (both Ginny McSwain, also the show’s
voice director), who made her first appearance in Superman:
The Movie.
cyborg Cybron (Frank
Welker) was a stand-in for villain Brainiac, whose post-Crisis status was still undetermined at
the time of the show. A newly created character was Lex’s ditzy girlfriend
Jessica Morganberry (Lynne Marie Stewart), who was inspired by the character of
Miss Tessmacher (Valerie
Perrine) from the films.
Baby Clark hovers above the Kents.
second segment was “The Superman Family Album”. Primarily written by Cherie Wilkerson,
these four-minute segments served as a prequel to the overall series by
focusing on Clark’s childhood. They began with his being discovered by Jonathan
(Alan Oppenheimer) and Martha Kent (Tress MacNeille) up until he moved to
Metropolis where he began working at The
Daily Planetwith
Lois Lane (McSwain), Jimmy Olsen (Mark Taylor) and Perry White (Stanley Ralph
Ross)—not to mention also becoming Superman. While the segments adhered to the
post-Crisis continuity of Clark not
having any adventures as Superboy, it deviated a bit by having all of Clark’s
powers present while he was a newborn. Those powers often served as the source
of comic relief and conflict in the stories. Wolfman and Meg McLaughlin
wrote two of the segments, respectively.
Superman teaming-up with Wonder Woman.
Despite the high quality of the
production, the show was plagued by several problems including budgetary
constraints, high licensing fees and poor scheduling that pitted it against Disney powerhouses Gummi Bearsand The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. As a result, the
show never went beyond its single season. It was notable, however, for being
the first television appearance of the post-Crisis
Woman (Marry
McDonald-Lewis) from George Perez’s
reimaging of the character, and her last Saturday appearance
until 2016’s Justice League Action (although
the character would star in 2001’s Justice
League). It was also the first appearance of S.T.A.R. Labs
outside of comics; which would come to factor into a variety of future DC
Comics-based programs.
“Destroy the Defendroids / The Adoption” (9/17/88) – After
Lex Luthor’s crime-fighting robots drive Superman away, he uses them to rob a
Fort Knox train. / The Kents take baby Kal-El to the orphanage and end up
adopting him when his powers drive others away.
From Space / The Supermarket” (9/24/88) – STAR Labs discovers an alien
spaceship and Superman has to figure out which of its occupants is a policeman
and which is a criminal. / Martha tries to conceal Clark’s powers during his first
trip to the market.
the Skin of the Dragon’s Teeth / At the Babysitter’s” (10/1/88) – After Luthor
buys the Great Wall of China, he accidentally brings a Dragon King statue to
life. / Young Clark uses his powers to get away from his babysitter and avoid
Strikes / The First Day of School” (10/8/88) – Lois’ birthday is interrupted by
a hostile cyborg from the future who can turn people into robots. / Clark’s
first to day of school introduces him to Lana Lang and trouble when he’s blamed
for letting the class guinea pig escape.
Big Scoop / Overnight with the Scouts” (10/15/88) – Lex steals a device that
allows him to see the future and discovers Superman’s identity. / Clark goes
camping with the scouts and they share ghost stories around the fire.
Play / The Circus” (10/22/88) – Prankster forces Superman to pitch for his
baseball team for the lives of the various people he’s captured. / Clark ends
up joining the circus.
Hunter / Little Runaway” (10/29/88) – General Zod, Ursa and Faora arrive and
create a creature called The Hunter who takes on the properties of Kryptonite.
/ Tired of his home, Clark tries to run away only to discover his life wasn’t
so bad after all.
and Wonder Woman vs. the Sorceress of Time / The Birthday Party” (11/5/88) –
Superman stops a meteor and accidentally frees a prisoner on Themyscira as a
result. / Clark gets a surprise at his birthday party.
/ The Driver’s License” (11/12/88) – A bookstore owner uses a talisman to gain
powers over various monsters. / Clark takes his driving test.
Beast Beneath These Streets / First Date” (11/19/88) – Researchers discover a
sunken part of old Metropolis where mad scientist Dr. Morpheus plans to steal
Superman’s powers. / Clark goes on his first date with Lana.
/ To Play or Not to Play” (11/26/88) – Superman tries to stop Wildsharkk’s ship
hijacking in the Bermuda Triangle. / Clark wants to play football, but his
powers give him an unfair advantage.
of the Living Shadows / Graduation” (12/3/88) – Lex invents a suit that makes
its wearer become a living shadow and instigates a crime spree. / It’s
graduation day, and Clark’s robe ends up dirty right before the ceremony.
Last Time I Saw Earth / It’s Superman” (12/10/88) – An alien abducts the
shuttle Lois and Jimmy are on in order to steal proteins from their bodies to
become immortal. / Clark moves to Metropolis and begins his life as Superman. Originally posted in 2017. Updated in 2018.